2018, activities

Participation in a concert of the Greek Composers Union on 1/11, at the Goethe Istitut, where the piece Aphorismson three poems by S. S. Charkianakis, for soprano and piano, was performed by Daphne Panourghia and Marios Kazas.

Paricipation in the concert of Antonis Koufoudakis – guitar and Nikos Paleologos – οud, on 3/9 at the Philippos Nakas concert hall. They performed (premiere) the piece Vosporos (op. 70).

Participation in the concert of Andreas Artemis to the Music Box Stage, on 5/11, who performed two (out of three) songs on poems by his own, with the pianist Nicole Karali.

Theatre music for Peace by Aristophanes, directed by Leonidas Tsirigoulis. The play was performed in Athens, Lavrio and Keratea on August and September. Music was made by electronic means.

Participation in the festival Le petit Paris d’ Athenes, in a concert on 10/13, at the Angelon Vima stage, with the piece Three Songs on poems by Andreas Artemis, for soprano and piano, with Anna Laari and Dimitra Mandzouratou.

I wrote the piece De Profundis for solo violin (op. 71), written for the violinist Tania Sikelianou.