Lyric Pieces, 12 pieces for guitar (Op. 1)

These Lyric Pieces have been written between about 1981 – 1991. Eleven οf them commissioned by the VoIos InternationaI FestivaI of CΙassicaI Guitar, directed by Costas Cotsiolίs and have been played by guitar competitors at the Festival’s competitions of that period.

The response to this music has gone beyond the boundaries of the Festival and that made me decide an edition with all of them. The publication took place in 1992 (editions Syghroni Mousiki). Ι have taken this opportunity, to make some alterations to some of them in relation to their first version.

Their level of difficulty ranges from moderate to advanced. The last two pieces are of professional level.

Apart from any educational role they have and their character as concert pieces, Ι have also tried to find the perfect median between pure music composition and the idiomatic guitar writing. The Lyric Pieces are the result of hard work, which have be done with love and passion.

12 Lyric Pieces melo