Publication: The Break up Scene

The Break up Scene, for flute or violin and piano (Οp. 9, 1998) (Duration apr. 6′)
The work is programmatic and descriptiνe in content and it therefore, does not adhere tο any specific musical form. The ‘tale’ describes the permanent termination of a relationship and the woman’ s determination to bring it to such an end.
Thoughts, memories, feelings and dialogues follow one another with cinematic density. The musical landscape is grave, intensively melancholic and fragile. The illusory ‘farewell waltz’ together with the physical parting of the players on stage, intensify the atmosphere.
‘Valse triste’s’ absolute musical content also functions as a relief within the work’ s programmatic context. The musically semiological reference of the tale is approached from a rather traditional standpoint, using neo- romantic, post- impressionistic and jazz elements.
Both instruments have an equal share of responsibilities. Its first performance was given by Nina Patrikidou (violin) and Nicole Karali (piano), on October 31st, 1998, at the Municipal Cultural Centre of Athens. It is published by the editions Panas Music (EPN 944). Also, it is included to the cd Hellanion (Subways, 2005) performed by Stella Tsani (violin) and Elena Chounta (piano).